Embedded Search

Canvas Integration (LTI 1.3) - Getting Started

iseek search is added as an External App to your Canvas account:

  1. Signed in as a Canvas Account Administrator, in the root Account click Developer Keys in the Account Menu and then click + Developer Key. Select the LTI Key option.
  2. Select Method: Enter URL
  3. Enter the following in the JSON URL field: //
    • Optional Settings: //,account
    • launchInNewWindow - If you would like the search to open in a new window (rather than within Canvas), add "launchInNewWindow=true"
    • includePlacements - This setting allows control over which area of Canvas displays the search. Include in the list, only those areas where you would like iseek to display to users (accounts and courses are enabled by default).
  4. Enter a Key Name that provides context for administrators: Search
  5. Click Save
  6. Record the number (Client ID) seen in the Details column of your new Developer Key entry.
  7. Navigate to the Account or Sub-Account in which you would like to add iseek search as a tool. Click the Settings link in the navigation menu.
  8. Click the Apps tab.
  9. Click the View App Configurations button.
  10. In the dialog, select Configuration Type: By Client ID
  11. Click Submit
  12. In the list of Apps, click the cog menu at the right of the row and select Deployment ID. Copy this value.
  13. Send both the Client ID (e.g. 109930000000000138) and Deployment ID (e.g. 350:4ea77b9a087da42c78e0aac53c02bebdb59817f7) to your Account Representative. Please also indicate whether you would like to be configured for the optional Search Box integration below.

Iseek will now show in your list of external applications. After refreshing the page, a new link iseek search will appear in the course, account, and user navigation menus. Please note that until the Team has configured your Client ID and Deployment ID, the search will not function.

Next - Add Search Box to Canvas Header

Follow these instructions to replace the iseek search menu link with a search box in the breadcrumb area of Canvas.

  1. Please note that by default iseek is configured to require the Search Box for Canvas and no LTI frame will be displayed until the Search Box is present on the page. If you do not wish to implement the Search Box, please contact your account representative and we will configure your search accordingly.
  2. Click on Settings tab to return to general Account settings.
  3. Enable Custom JavaScript and CSS Overrides by checking the box. If this checkbox is not visible, then it must be enabled at a higher level Canvas Account.
  4. Enable Theme Editor as well, in the next checkbox.
  5. Iseek uses JavaScript to write the Search Box to the page, so we must point Canvas to the code. This is done through the Canvas Theme Editor.
    • Open the Theme Editor for the Sub-Account level that you wish to make the Search Box active.
    • Click on the Upload tab, there should be an option to select a JavaScript file (if not, the account settings are incorrect for JavaScript).
    • If there is currently no file used, save the following file locally, and then upload via the Select button: canvas_ui.js
    • Otherwise, add the following snippet of JavaScript to your existing file:
  6. Finally, click Preview and then Apply.

The iseek search box will now appear in the Canvas breadcrumb navigation area when the course is active.

Advanced - Search Box Mode 1 (Dashboard)

In Mode 1, the Search Box is visible with the left-side navigation, as in the default Mode 0. Mode 1 adds display of the Search Box to the Dashboard after login.

  1. Change the "display_mode=0" parameter to "display_mode=1" to enable this feature.

The iseek search box will now appear on the Dashboard after login. Because Canvas requires a Course or Account context to launch an External Tool like iseek, we must choose a Course for the user. Mode 1 selects the first Course (or Account) available in the list of enrolled Courses for the user.

Advanced - Search Box Mode 2 (All Pages)

In Mode 2, the Search Box is visible on all pages when a Course/Account context may be determined automatically.

  1. Change the "display_mode=0" parameter to "display_mode=2" to enable this feature.

The iseek search box will now appear on the Dashboard, Calendar, and other pages. Because Canvas requires a Course or Account context to launch an External Tool like iseek, we must choose a Course for the user. Mode 2 selects the first Course (or Account) available in the list of enrolled Courses for the user.

Advanced - Search Box Mode 3 (Roles)

In Mode 3, the Search Box is visible on all pages, as with Mode 2. However, instead of automatically choosing a Course context, the Course target is determined by the Role of the current user. This allows specific Course targets to be chosen per Role - for example, a "Student Lounge" Course might be the landing site for Student roles.

  1. Change the "display_mode=0" parameter to "display_mode=3" to enable this feature.
  2. Iseek automatically determines the user Role, but you must configure the Course or Account target for each user Role for which you wish to display the Search Box.
  3. For each Role you offer search, a &role_[role_label]=/courses/[course_id]/external_tools/[external_tool_id] parameter is added. Where [role_label] (e.g. role_student) is the Role of the current user, [course_id] is the numeric id of the Course, and [external_tool_id] is the numeric id of the iseek External Tool within the Course. Please note that [role_label] is the lower case form of the Role, with no "Enrollment" text included (e.g. ). "TeacherEnrollment" -> "role_teacher").
  4. To determine the [course_id] and [external_tool_id] values, visit the Course to initiate a search with iseek. Record the URL of the browser during a search within the course. For example:
  5. Construct the parameter for the student Role using these values: role_student=/courses/32/external_tools/24
  6. Repeat for each User Role. You may optionally supply a "role_default" target context for Users that do not match your configured roles. If "role_default" is not supplied, the Search Box will not appear on the Dashboard for Users without matching Roles.
  7. Append your parameters to the original request: display_mode=3&role_admin=/accounts/23/external_tools/24&role_student=/courses/32/external_tools/24&role_teacher=/courses/33/external_tools/24&role_default=/accounts/23/external_tools/24

The iseek search box will now appear after login. Iseek will determine the most frequent Course enrollment Role of the user, and direct the user to the matching Course/Account context from your parameters. If the User is not enrolled in the target Course for their role, the Search Box will not be displayed on the Dashboard. The Search Box will always display within the Courses in which the User is enrolled (as is the basic behavior).

Canvas Integration - Getting Started

iseek search is added as an External App to your Canvas account:

  1. Signed in as a Canvas Account Administrator, navigate to the Account or Sub-Account in which you would like to add iseek search. Click the Settings link in the navigation menu.
  2. Click the Apps tab.
  3. Click the Add New App button.
  4. In the dialog, enter the following values and click Submit:
    • Name: iseek
    • Consumer Key: example_key
    • Shared Secret: example_secret
    • Configuration Type: By Url
    • Configuration URL:  //

Iseek will now show in your list of external applications. After refreshing the page, a new link iseek search will appear in the course, account, and user navigation menus.

Optional - Add Search Box to Canvas Header

Follow these instructions to replace the iseek search menu link with a search box in the breadcrumb area of Canvas.

  1. Click on Settings link in the Canvas Account navigation menu.
  2. Click the Apps tab, find iseek in the list of external apps, and click the pencil/edit icon.
  3. Add the value iseek_layout=header to Custom Fields and click Submit.
  4. Click on Settings tab to return to general Account settings.
  5. Enable Custom JavaScript and CSS Overrides by checking the box. If this checkbox is not visible, then it must be enabled at a higher level Canvas Account.
  6. Enable Theme Editor as well, in the next checkbox.
  7. Iseek uses JavaScript to write the Search Box to the page, so we must point Canvas to the code. This is done through the Canvas Theme Editor.
    • Open the Theme Editor for the Sub-Account level that you wish to make the Search Box active.
    • Click on the Upload tab, there should be an option to select a JavaScript file (if not, the account settings are incorrect for JavaScript).
    • If there is currently no file used, save the following file locally, and then upload via the Select button: canvas_ui.js
    • Otherwise, add the following snippet of JavaScript to your existing file:
  8. Finally, click Preview and then Apply.

The iseek search box will now appear in the Canvas breadcrumb navigation area when the course is active.

Advanced - Search Box Mode 1 (Dashboard)

In Mode 1, the Search Box is visible with the left-side navigation, as in the default Mode 0. Mode 1 adds display of the Search Box to the Dashboard after login.

  1. Change the "display_mode=0" parameter to "display_mode=1" to enable this feature.

The iseek search box will now appear on the Dashboard after login. Because Canvas requires a Course or Account context to launch an External Tool like iseek, we must choose a Course for the user. Mode 1 selects the first Course (or Account) available in the list of enrolled Courses for the user.

Advanced - Search Box Mode 2 (All Pages)

In Mode 2, the Search Box is visible on all pages when a Course/Account context may be determined automatically.

  1. Change the "display_mode=0" parameter to "display_mode=2" to enable this feature.

The iseek search box will now appear on the Dashboard, Calendar, and other pages. Because Canvas requires a Course or Account context to launch an External Tool like iseek, we must choose a Course for the user. Mode 2 selects the first Course (or Account) available in the list of enrolled Courses for the user.

Advanced - Search Box Mode 3 (Roles)

In Mode 3, the Search Box is visible on all pages, as with Mode 2. However, instead of automatically choosing a Course context, the Course target is determined by the Role of the current user. This allows specific Course targets to be chosen per Role - for example, a "Student Lounge" Course might be the landing site for Student roles.

  1. Change the "display_mode=0" parameter to "display_mode=3" to enable this feature.
  2. Iseek automatically determines the user Role, but you must configure the Course or Account target for each user Role for which you wish to display the Search Box.
  3. For each Role you offer search, a &role_[role_label]=/courses/[course_id]/external_tools/[external_tool_id] parameter is added. Where [role_label] (e.g. role_student) is the Role of the current user, [course_id] is the numeric id of the Course, and [external_tool_id] is the numeric id of the iseek External Tool within the Course. Please note that [role_label] is the lower case form of the Role, with no "Enrollment" text included (e.g. ). "TeacherEnrollment" -> "role_teacher").
  4. To determine the [course_id] and [external_tool_id] values, visit the Course to initiate a search with iseek. Record the URL of the browser during a search within the course. For example:
  5. Construct the parameter for the student Role using these values: role_student=/courses/32/external_tools/24
  6. Repeat for each User Role. You may optionally supply a "role_default" target context for Users that do not match your configured roles. If "role_default" is not supplied, the Search Box will not appear on the Dashboard for Users without matching Roles.
  7. Append your parameters to the original request: display_mode=3&role_admin=/accounts/23/external_tools/24&role_student=/courses/32/external_tools/24&role_teacher=/courses/33/external_tools/24&role_default=/accounts/23/external_tools/24

The iseek search box will now appear after login. Iseek will determine the most frequent Course enrollment Role of the user, and direct the user to the matching Course/Account context from your parameters. If the User is not enrolled in the target Course for their role, the Search Box will not be displayed on the Dashboard. The Search Box will always display within the Courses in which the User is enrolled (as is the basic behavior).

Brightspace Integration - Getting Started

Please follow these instructions to enable LTI 1.3 launches of the search tool.

  1. Signed in as a Brightpsace Administrator Account, navigate to Admin Tools by clicking the cog icon in the top right. A list of options will appear. Click the Manage Extensibility link under the Organization Related section.
  2. Click the LTI Advantage tab, and then the Register Tool button.
  3. Choose the Standard registration option.
  4. Enter the following information in the Register a Tool form.
    • Name:
    • Description: is a curriculum search tool
    • Domain:
    • Redirect URLs:
    • OpenID Connect Login URL:
    • Target Link URI:
    • Keyset URL:
  5. Once the tool is registered, Brightspace will provide Registration Details, please copy all items and email to your iseek Account Representative as this information is required to complete the configuration on the iseek side.

Tool Deployment

Follow these instructions to deploy the search tool to one or more Org Units.

  1. From either the Creation or Edit Tool screen, click on the New Deployment button.
  2. Select from the list of registered tools.
  3. Enter "" for Name.
  4. Under Security Settings check Org Unit Information and User Information.
  5. Under Configuration Settings check Open as External Resource.
  6. Now click Org Units and select the desired organizational units you wish to allow to use the iseek search tool. Note that you may check This org unit and all descendants to make the tool available to all child orgs.
  7. Finally Brightspace will display the Deployment Details. Please copy the Deployment ID and share that along with the Tool Registration Details to your iseek Account Representative.

Create the LTI 1.3 Link - Deployment Level or Course Level

A link created at the Deployment Level will be readily available to add to a Course as an Activity.

  1. Click View Links from the View Deployments page.
  2. Click New Link and enter the following information (you may name the link as you would like):
    • Name:
    • URL:
  3. Now that the link has been added, you may find it at the Course level by choosing an existing Module (or creating a new one). Click on Existing Activities and then External Learning Tools. Choose the link created previously.

Follow these instructions to create a link directly at the Course Level.

  1. Assuming the LTI Deployment has been shared with the Course (see Org Unit selection in Tool Deployment), you may click Existing Activies and then External Learning Tools.
  2. Click New Link and enter the following information (you may name the link as you would like):
    • Name:
    • URL:
    • Tool: Select ""
  3. Click Create and Insert.

Blackboard Integration - Getting Started

The curriculum search may be added to Blackboard as both a System Tool and/or Course Tool.

  1. Signed in as a Blackboard Administrator Account, navigate to the Administrator Panel by clicking the "System Admin" tab in the top right.
  2. Select the LTI Tool Providers link within the Integrations panel.
  3. Click the Register LTI 1.3/Advantage Tool button.
  4. Use Client ID: 766747ec-6c22-4dcd-a234-307c5d47b295 and click "Submit".
  5. Record the Deployment ID (e.g. 22330dd4-ecda-469c-9b7b-116b80ca1e62) and email the value to your account representative.
  6. Optional: By Default, iseek will be available as both a System and Course Tool. If you wish to remove a placement, visit "Manage Placements" for the iseek Tool Provider. You may then "Delete" the placement.

Add Tool Link to Course Menu

Follow these instructions to add the tool link to the relevant course homepage. You should be signed-in as an Instructor, or a user enrolled in the course in order to view the tool.

  1. Navigate to your course homepage by selecting the "Courses" tab.
  2. Once you are on the course page in which to place the tool link, click the "plus" icon located at the top left of the menu area.
  3. Click Submit and the link will now appear in the course menu.
  4. When a user clicks on the search link, a query box and search results will be presented within the course content area.
  5. Please let us know if you wish to have colors or logos modified in the search page.

Moodle Integration - Getting Started

An iseek activity may be added to your course pages.

  1. Signed in as a Moodle Administrator Account, navigate to the Site Administration page and Plugins tab.
  2. Click Manage Tools.
  3. Under Add tool, enter the iseek Moodle configuration URL: //
  4. Use the following settings to configure the tool.
    • Consumer Key: example_key
    • Shared Secret: example_secret
    • Save changes
  5. The "iSEEK Search" external tool is now available to be added as an activity to your course.
  6. Within your course, change to "edit mode" and click to "Add an activity".
  7. Select "External Tool" in the list of Activities, click "Add". Apply the following settings to the new Activity.
    • Activity Name:
    • Preconfigured tool: iSEEK Search
    • Launch container: New window
    • Submit
  8. Click on the Activity to begin an iseek search. You may also move the Activity or use it Menus or Blocks.

Moodle Advanced - iseek Plugin

You can embed the iseek Search Plugin right on your Moodle Dashboard by uploading the iseek plug-in:

  1. Download the iseek Moodle Plugin v1.3 here.
  2. While signed in as a Moodle Administrator user, navigate to the Site Administrator page.
  3. Click on the Plugins tab and then click on Install plugins.
  4. Drag and drop the compressed (.zip) folder you downloaded beforehand, or you can select "Choose a file.." to browse your local directory for the folder.
  5. Once you see the folder loaded on the page, select "Install plugin from the ZIP file" below.
  6. During the installation process, you will have to select "Continue" after the plugin has been validated.
  7. On the next page select "Continue" again. Then, on the next page, you will have to select "Upgrade Moodle database now".
  8. You should be redirected back to Site Administration page. Click into the Plugins tab again and select Plugins Overview. Then select Additional Plugins, and you should see the iseek search Plugin name.
  9. Select Settings for the iseek search plugin.
  10. Use the following settings to configure the tool:
    • LTI Key: example_key
    • LTI Secret: example_secret
    • LTI Url:
  11. After you input the new settings values, click Save Changes.
  12. Now navigate to your Dashboard page. Select Customise this page in the top right, and then Add a block on the left side menu.
  13. Select iseek Search from the Add a Block menu. The plugin will display on your dashboard and you will be able to position the plugin as you want with the move icon that is located on the top right of the plugin.